The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29337   Message #370023
Posted By: Jon Freeman
06-Jan-01 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iarf Rides Again.............!
Subject: RE: BS: Iarf Rides Again.............!
Iarf, you were new, came clean and were instantly accepted and I don't remember anyone causing you further trouble.

The problem with this one is that it has happened before and Rick, who has had to suffer more than most, was again attacked (in a subtle way) and a few of us reacted, perhaps wrongly, but in (I think natural) defense of someone we like and also in anger at yet another attack.

Guest, IMO, got the treatment that anonyous flamers/trollers deserve (although I admit that the best policy is one I failed to follow - ignore) but still has the chance to fit in.

An apology coupled with a name (even a MC one) would probably go a long way to achieving this. I doubt that anyone is going to defend the actions but I believe people would be more sypathetic towards a real person with a real problem.

All I have seen since I last posted in the Rick/God thread (which I left after Rick posting and seeing how embarresd and upset he was) has been further attempts by guest to gain more sympathy and to stir up more shit like this thread.

If he had have been as honest as you were, which is surely the way someone is truely sorry would act, we would all be getting on again.
