The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3700334
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Apr-15 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Which Christian church is guilty Jim?"
Does it matter
The Catholic Church has overseen the persistent rape of children by clergymen for decades - they continue to to hide the evidence so the victims cag get some sort of closure - you are fully aware of this.
Protestant Churchmen in Ireland were active in ascertaining that Catholics did not achieve full civil rights there - preachers such as Ian Paisley were renowned as rabble-rousers urging violence against the "Papist Antichrists" The actual denominations of those involved in the Bosnian massacres is immaterial - they were fighting for Christianity and they said so.
"I have not."
You demandede on numerous occasions when I brought up the fact that Christians were equally capable of persecution, that this thread was about Christians being persecuted
"Obviously there is no hope of you actually addressing the issues of this thread Jim.
You just rake up groundless smears against me as a person.
That is your only reason for posting here."
Want more?
You really shoudn't tell lies on the same thread as the incriminating statements
Still no coonxwmnation of Christian acts of persecution and mass-murder
The Muslims must have the monopoly
Jim Carroll