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Thread #157045   Message #3704579
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-Apr-15 - 12:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: election uk
Subject: RE: BS: election uk
Dave the Gnut: "Goofus - Is the Mexican border part of the UK? Notice anything odd about the thread title here? Idiot."

Yes, I did....and if you noticed, Oh 'Bright One' that the discussion revolved around the liberal policies vs. the more conservative ones. Over in the UK you have issues with the UK and the EU..those who favor it, and those who don't..fair enough?.....That happens to be identical to the policies and debate that goes on here, in the U.S. in regards to NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement) signed off by Bill Clinton, who a lot of shallow thinking idiots, regard as a 'liberal'. This bill was signed into law, at the behest of the corporations, for the same reasons that the EU was ushered in....and promoted as being a 'liberal' policy, 'for the people'. What a bunch of hogwash!
So the concerns are VERY similar, and being forced on everyone, whether they know what it is really about or not. (Similar, again, to the ban on drilling on federal lands here, and sold to the public as being an 'environmental issue'.....when it really was about Kissinger, in 1979, making a deal with the Saudis, that they buy our treasury bonds, and we buy their oil, with no new drilling here(on federal lands). The 'so-called liberals' applauded that decision, (and some still do) mistakenly thinking it was about the environment.
To get OUT of that agreement, for the benefit of the Banksters, the entire Mid East has been allowed to deteriorate into a chaotic bloodbath.....over what amounted to be a fraudulent lie. Other examples can EASILY be listed. The 'so-called liberal' agendas, whether they be in England, the UK, the EU, or whatever the nomenclature d'jour, is denying people their rights and identities, based on the policies of these economic institutions, and the elections, both here and England, the UK, the EU, or whatever the nomenclature d'jour, happens to be. The 'elections' in the UK, or here, are a PRETEND that the people have a voice, at what is being imposed on by the same folks, without representation, or virtually ANY say, whatsoever!
Get over it!
So the 'heated' discussion over the election in the UK, amounts to nothing more than mental masturbation, because your elevated brand of idiocy WILL NOT address the REAL issues....only personalities and talking points which have been purposely set up as distractions
Get it?..Got it?...Good!