The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157045   Message #3705712
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-May-15 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: election uk
Subject: RE: BS: election uk
"Massive thread drift by Christmas, but he does like to splutter on about Thatcher."
Isn't it odd how whenever the going gets tough, the rightists scurry behind "thread drift" -every day is Goundhog Day for some people
o thread drift - today's Tories are the natural and enthusiastic heirs of the Countess, even though they had to ditch her when her extremism became an embarrassment (still get a buzz at the memory of her driving away from number 10 in tears, like a child whose favourite to had been taken away - happy day!!)   
"Minister of State for Education you have been given your allocation of resources from the Treasury"
Psst terminus - doesn't matter who gave her insufficient money - she chose to balance her books at the expense of children, those coming from working class homes.
"Damien Barr"
Why should someone declaring they don't like milk be in any way inconvenient - how pathetic can you get
Milk has always been promoted as being a health-giving asset to growing children and yet..... nice lady.
Maybe we should discourage vegetables because some kids don't like them - waddya think!!
Bit like describing the closing down of the mines and thowing thousands of them on the dole "for the benefit of the miners;' health, eh what?
Been happy to "splutter" about Mrs T whenever the subject of Toryism comes up, ever since she announced her dedication to fascism by declaring mass-murderer Pinochet her idea of democracy   
"Why didn't the Labour Government of Tony Blair reintroduce it?"
Because they have proved themselves as antagonistic to workers interests as she was - what are you suggesting - that it was o.k. to take milk from schoolkids?
None of which gets you any nearer to answering the point about the dangers of re-electing the present bunch of thugs, the fiasco of house sales, the decline in living standards that you claimed hasn't happened, the financial corruption and incompetence, Lady Porter's housing scam..... not even a murmur about the duck palaces.
Must be an election on the way
Jim Carroll