The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157143   Message #3706482
Posted By: Amergin
04-May-15 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Corn King, Year King
Subject: Folklore: Corn King, Year King

I am looking into some folklore in regards to human sacrifice. I was intrigued by an article I recently read, and wanted to look into it some more. I remember the film the Wicker Man, and hints in some novels in regards to sacrifice, about the Year King, or the Corn King, or whatever they were called. Does anyone else have any information? There was a wikipedia link in a John Barleycorn thread, but the link is dead, not going to be revived into beer.

Also, does any one know any songs (besides the possibility of John Barleycorn) that may be descended from those times?