The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30431   Message #3706498
Posted By: GUEST,Phil
04-May-15 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: What's the difference between calypso and reggae?
Subject: RE: What's the difference between calypso and reggae?
Guest: "Phil, can you give examples of racist, anti-Semitic, and misogynistic calypso songs?"

Me: "'ve never heard." So obviously... no. Last year's mudflap was between Michael "Sugar Aloes" Osuna and Roger "Bodyguard" Mohammed over "False Papers" but, as they say, you had to be there. Seriously tho, if you really wanted to find it and listen to it you already have. From what I hear it was fairly mellow this year. Btw Lord Protector was aka "Chinee" Jones (born into the "Dreyfus Affair" era) and let's not even start in on Richard "Rex West" Chen. Xenophobia can be funny and not.

There is no one thing to be said about calypsonians ergo calypso "poor, working class, etc." The tents were sponsored by the "beke" or planter classes and that was fine too. In my experience the biggest dividing line on any island was Catholic-Protestant and ev-er-y-thing else came last. Harry Belafonte's grandparents were actually a complete nonstarter as "an issue" in spite of the take-away one gets from the "Island in the Sun" movie.

What would have really surprised movie goers is none of the female characters had the right to vote and that was just fine with men of all races.