The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157299   Message #3711901
Posted By: GUEST,Kevin
26-May-15 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: Róise na nAmhrán's Lily of the West
Subject: RE: Róise na nAmhrán's Lily of the West
Jim Carroll:
Are you sure you sent the mail to the address I posted?
I don't know what went wrong, but I didn't reccieve your email.

Fred McCormick:

RTÉ themselves do not list "Songs of a Donegal Woman" in their online shop catalogue. Neither do the two shops you mentioned.
Well, Claddagh seems like a great address for recordings of Irish trad music, I'll keep them in mind for future music purchases.

Now let's see what Jim Carroll has to say.
If nothing helps, maybe I could pay you for an mp3 copy of the CD?