The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157281   Message #3712943
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-May-15 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
Subject: RE: BS: All changed, changed utterly.
"has been the teaching and ethics of the "Christian religion"
This ir bizarre nonsense
The teaching, what there was, in the education system I experience, were the values of Empire - still being taught long after I left school.
My younger sisters were taught in the Comprehensive system - somewhat changed by then, where religion played no part whatever in their education.
The Church of England system was a bit of a joke anyway - if you proclaimed your religion as 'none', with the doctor, at hospitals.... wherever - it was invariably entered as C of E - the recognised equivalent of "none".
All academic anyway - we didn't take our principle and values from school - like our knowledge and opinions, we took them from everywhere - from our families, school-friends, acquaintances, from what we read, what films we saw, from workmates, from our own experiences - not one source, but many a distillation of our lives.
Were it down to what we were taught, we would all be the same - the same moral standards shared by everybody, the same view, the same human outlook....
We're all different, different objectives, different standards different morality, different values.
There is a vast difference in us all, even among Christians.
I don't recognise most of the morality and behaviour on display on Mudcat from self-declared Christians (mustn't mention names) as resembling that of the Christians I have spent time with - most of whom would be as sickened as I often am, by the inhumanity, intolerance, self interest, subservience to injustice.... on display in some of these discussion.
That we got out values from one source it utter nonsense    (and a bit of a joke, really, but please feel free to carry on - "every little helps" as the man from Tesco's says
Jim Carroll