The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157344   Message #3713608
Posted By: OlgaJ
01-Jun-15 - 08:46 AM
Thread Name: Hull Folk Festival 2015...
Subject: RE: Hull Folk Festival 2015...
We (Alterego) have been going to Beverley fringe for many years and have only graced the main festival once. This year we volunteered to run a session. Sorry if the 'new broom' idea is upsetting people but as I understand it we are the only fringe session runners who haven't been doing it for years! We will be joining in the other sessions as usual and look forward to seeing Maggie & Les, and all the others again. Without wishing to upset anyone we have been involved in various folk organisations and clubs for years and for at least the last 15 years, along with many others, have been very concerned that there are no younger people coming forward to take over these things as time marches on, and the stalwarts start to drop off. That's why things eventually don't happen any more.