The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157339   Message #3713946
Posted By: Teribus
02-Jun-15 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural genocide
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural genocide
"West Bank" GregF - that the part of the post-1923 mandated territory of Palestine specifically designated for settlement by Jew, Arab and Christian alike after 77% of the 1920 mandated territory had been given to the Arabs of Palestine specifically for their sole use and settlement, the country now known as Jordan?

"West Bank" GregF - that the part of the post-1923 mandated territory of Palestine that was taken from Palestine by force of arms, annexed and illegaly occupied by Jordan from 1948 until 1967?

As I said show me any map with the borders of Israel on it as recognised by the Palestinian Authority and the rest of the international community. The "Palestinians do claim to be "fighting" for a Two-State Solution aren't they? In which case they should be able to show the boundaries and recognised borders of those two states - or is that just a bit too logical for you?