The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157339   Message #3714159
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jun-15 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural genocide
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural genocide
E but does not recognise Israel as having committed any.
Likewise all the other democracies"
Where have they supports#ed what Israel has recently done - particularly the massace of civilians - silence is not support
The "reality" is that no nation in the world has supported what Isreal has done - a few of the "decent" (seems to refer to nations on Israel's side) have stayed silent on the atrocities for various reasons, political and economic expediency being the main ones, but nobody has supported the actions of Israel other than the Yanks, with a record of its own human rights abuses as long as your arm.
You produced a list of so-called supporters of israel and were given a bundle of links to statements condemning their behaviour which you are appearing to indicate, do not exist.
The "warm and friendly relatons" you refer to are like tose of Britain and Saudi Arabia - attending a funeral to pay their respects to a despot while one of his victims is being administered 1,000 lashes for speaking out of turn.
Is that what your church describes as "decency?"
"On previous threads I quoted the government expressing support for Israel and I will find more if you like."
And you have been given statements by the Irish Government condemning Israel - antd you will find more.
Ireland helped formulate the U.N. document condemning Israel's settlement policy
Scandinavian countries have condemned Israel - some of your named "decent" countries.
Just like your "experts" and your "real historians" you are now inventing support from mythical "decent countries" ad attributing them with views they don't hold.
Even Cameron has condemned Isreal's behaviour for ***'* sake.
"can prove that he/she, or any of his/her forefathers had "worked" in the Mandated Territory"
Sounds like extremist rights-wing Zionism Terrytoon - the Arabs have too prove they have a right to their lands
Nice political ring to it Mandated territories, doncha think
Jim Carroll