The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29398   Message #371551
Posted By: mousethief
09-Jan-01 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Café Inner Clique Application
Subject: Mudcat Café Inner Clique Application
Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC) Application

Please print out this application on your printer, fill it out completely, and mail to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed, c/o Mudcat Café. Finding the mailing address online is part of the proof that you're qualified, so don't whine about that. Applications are processed every 5th Tuesday between midnight and 12:01am. A score of 95% or better on the quiz portion of the application is required for admission to the Inner Clique. Essay counts for 50% of your grade. Use a #2 pencil. No talking.

Successful applications will be voted upon by representatives of the Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC) at the annual Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC) Exclusionary Committee Meeting and Accordion-Bashing on February 30th.


Full Legal Name:

Former names, and dates of name changes (please give brief explanation for each name change on back of form):

Names you might have wanted to have had instead:

Mudcat Name (GUESTs need not apply):


How do you pronounce "clique"?
___ rhymes with "chic"
___ rhymes with "chick"
___ rhymes with "thick way"
___ other: rhymes with "_____________________________"

Where is Sperlonga?
___ Ontario
___ Somewhere in the Balkans
___ Italy
___ Who cares?

Cletus is:
___ an otter
___ a possum
___ Spaw's male member
___ a rock group comprised of former members of Oasis

Flaming and character assault are:
___ wrong
___ wrong when done by GUESTs
___ fun
___ a great source of sexual pleasure

Rick Fielding is:
___ God
___ a god
___ godlike
___ a hell of a nice guy

Max is:
___ God

A sense of humo(u)r is:
___ a sign of a sick mind
___ more to be feared than respected
___ more or less a necessity in cyberspace
___ what Spaw needs for Christmas next year

BS means:
___ just what it looks like
___ please get infuriated by this thread
___ Bachelor of Science
___ Blow it to Smithereens

The number one rule to remember at Mudcat is:
___ never stand downwind of Spaw
___ relax and have fun
___ if it ain't in Child it ain't folk
___ never disagree with an Inner Clique member


I want to be a member of the Mudcat Café Inner Clique because (continue on back if necessary):


I hereby solemnly swear, affirm, and/or agree that, if selected by the Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC) as a perspective member, I will uphold the laws, bylaws, and sacred taboos of the Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC), never revealing them to non-Mudcat Café Inner Clique (MCIC) members, not even my dog, and eventually have them tattooed on my inner left thigh in bright fuchsia ink. I will attack all anonymous GUESTs at every available opportunity, and make as many inside jokes as my keyboard can stand.
