The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157339   Message #3716076
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Jun-15 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cultural genocide
Subject: RE: BS: Cultural genocide
"The world is NOT saying that is what is happening, because it is NOT HAPPENING!"
Yes it is, and if you care to read down the quotes, you will see that ethnic cleansing hs been on the agenda since day one - if you can't see it, everybody else can.
You've also given the number of the refugees which have been driven out
You my wish to continue to make a fool of yourself - please do
It seems to be what you are best at.
Perhaps you might like to move on tho the massive discrepancy between Israeli and Palestinian casualties - this is as boring as it gets
Have a good day day now

"Israel has conducted bureaucratic warfare on Palestine since the 1993 Oslo accords, Buttu insisted, and has an "erase and replace" policy for Palestinians. Since 1967, Israel has revoked the residency status of 15,000 Palestinian Jerusalemites, including 106 last year. It's treating Palestinians as if they're immigrants to their own land, she lamented."
February 2015
Jim Carroll
Israel's gone way beyond Apartheid