The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3717596
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
19-Jun-15 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
The Library! Left modem at Beaver! What an inconvenience! I have spent time in Tim Horton's parking lots using their wifi and the Little Green Library. Gathering info re proposed quarry and trying t get it so R can read it at home. My letter to editor was published somewhere a few days ago. Someone messaged me that they had sent it to "all their members" . I d on't remember her but she was "glad to have you back in the area"! Someone sent me a link to a professionally done web site "No Place for a Quarry" WOW!

I had a phone call early this am from one of the perpetrators, a dear friend but the environment takes precedence for me. He was very sweet, as as always, and I told him his "consultants" are totally culpable, explaining how the "notice" was inflammatory. He was disappointed that I did not come directly to him but I had not felt comfortable doing that after my long absence. After the call I realized that other people have acted as though I was still part of the community so he is probably correct. When he first told me who it was, I automatically exclaimed, "One of my favourite people!" And amazed myself by closing with "I still love you, Louis!" Prob amazed him also. Basically, I was apprehensive about trying to talk with him about this and causing a contretemps.   I said we would be there for the Open House and he asked that we meet him for a tour the next day. And would I please write something after the meeting. I am stricken by the power of (my) pen?

Any how, laundry and dishes are done, I got a bunch of books out of the house and down to storage at the mill. Collected a bunch of small boxes, that my supplements come in, to take to my antique shop friends - great for packing the small pieces of china they sell on Ebay. Talked to the folks at a garage near the mill about what is wrong with my car - clutch slipping, we agreed. I would have had it repaired next week but a mid-week holiday (St. Jean Baptiste Day) would make it iffy and they assured me it would be OK for a "few weeks" so after the next trip to Bancroft.

Watering plants, weeded flower bed at mill, trimmed grass at house, cleaned kiln shelves, washed bad glaze off the unfired pots, thought about what to do next. Need to make teapots. My friend in B-corft reports they had fun shopping in my boxes in the shed! And a pic indicates they bought two teapots and a couple mugs! I guess I need to learn not to hate making teapots. Maybe if I do a bunch?? OK, heading in that direction.... YEsterday was too hot but today is fine....