The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157421   Message #3718064
Posted By: GUEST, ^*^
21-Jun-15 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unfit for SCOTUS
Subject: RE: BS: Unfit for SCOTUS
these are arrived at by a refusal to consider common design for homologous structures, and the bait and switch of equating natural selection to the totally unproven microbes . . . . In short, evolutionists believe in a secular miracle

Your religious training appears to have included a course in rhetorical doublespeak. Perhaps a couple of sessions spent on restating what others think in order to make it sound equally as illogical as the leap-of-faith materials covered in your main lectures? You can believe anything you want, but don't expect the world to march to your drummer when he is headed off a cliff. You're entitled to your own beliefs, but not to your own facts.