The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #156862   Message #3718681
Posted By: LilyFestre
24-Jun-15 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Subject: RE: Declutter (x-hoarders), Fitness Apr-June 2015
Mabel, the new kitten, is doing quite well. She is exploring two rooms of the house for now. The cats are slowly introducing themselves and Maggie has tried to make friends but the kitten is afraid of her (to be fair, Mags is 120 pounds of woof). Jeremiah is in love with Mabel. She snuggled in his lap last night while he sang "Soft Kitty" to her. LOL It was beyond sweet. :) Today Mabel is jumping, climbing, sniffing and following me around. It's all good! I was up 3 times during the night and each time I found her curled up on my sewing basket. I stopped to love on her and she purred and purred. I may be a bit in love with her myself!

Zumba was better this week as they had the AC on. It still was hard for me and my leg muscles were crying within 10 minutes but I pressed on. I do adaptations when I get too tired and then dive back in to do the best I can for as long as I can. There are women there of all shapes and sizes and abilities....I really like that about the class. Like last week, I came home and collapsed in my chair for about 2 hours, I was feeling a little dizzy and nauseous.    I made dinner before class so all that had to happen was some warming up. Pete kindly heated dinner up for Jeremiah and himself and let me just chill out. No dinner for me...ugh...just couldn't do it. I'm pretty sure that this week and last I had a touch of heat exhaustion. Oh's worth it to me and it passes within 2 hours or so. I'm proud of myself for doing something that is challenging and have started a photo album to show (hopeful) changes in my appearance over time. I think it will be interesting to look at a year from now.

It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day so after our basic chores are done and we've had some lunch, I think we may go swimming. :)

Enjoy your day!
