The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157533   Message #3719005
Posted By: Donuel
26-Jun-15 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in the USA
Subject: RE: A Champion of Guns in the USA
Your Champion for more guns in America could be Trump, the Donald.

I can't say enough good things about the man, the legend and the leader. In fact I can't think of a single thing.

I think Trump is a great spokesman for the fallicies and fraud of most gun arguments by putting believable words in his mouth.
Mostly I make fun of the man who would buy America.

In 3 years a hundred thousand people are not alive to offer their opinion on guns or the freedom from guns.

Nonsense posters and claims of a fictional trump quotes no matter how outrageous would certainly be believed. All quotes would be attributed in small print to "Citizens United for Unified Unitedness".

I say killem with kindness. I'm sure you could come up with some Trumpisms/Foxisms that would appear to support his candidacy.
No lie would be unbelievable if it came from Trump, so why not kill two birds with one stone.

What would a domain name for Donald sound like? Trumpissimo
Amazing Trump, Trump for zerP, Trump Unchained. Trumo for president.
Hair brained

Outrageous quotes of your/his remarks about women might still raise eyebrows. His remarks about Hispanics already raised a few cockles.
The self serving NRA has not done any favors for anybody in a long time. 20 years they totally changed.
Here are some fictional claims linking Trump with the NRA. to DT

"The fifth branch of the Military is the NRA at home." The Donald

"The NRA is more powerful than all our governors put together." Trumo

"The NRA has 3 black employees , therefore they are not now or ever before racist". dT

The NRA is proud of the increasing effectiveness of the stopping power of the American white majority of gun owners.

" White people everywhere, Stand your ground wherever you are. DT

"The NRA is the single best defender of the US Constitution and border." T

"The NRA is more decisive than the Supreme Court."

"You owe your freedom to the NRA BUT the country OWES me" Dt

"The NRA is the first to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of fun." D.T.

"Minorities like MLK owed their life to the NRA." DT

Without Winchester, Colt and Remington the American Indian would not be alive today.

The Solution that keeps on giving is the blood spilled for the NRA. DT

The NRA is saving the USA one gunshot at a time. DT

If you've never hunted, you should be. D.T

Civil Rights are actually the responsible ownership of guns. DT

The NRA's Second Amendment solution is the blood of illegal aliens DT

"I'm sure the kids at Sandy Hook were proud to HELP preserve the second amendment." DT.

"I will fire Putin's Iran" DT

Better dead than blue DT