The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157552   Message #3719122
Posted By: Don Firth
26-Jun-15 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Subject: RE: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Not all Christians, by any means.

The church my wife attends and that I also attend when I can (Central Lutheran Church in Seattle) has married several same sex couples. Whether the law recognized the marriages or not. Married, in the church, by the pastor. Last I heard, one man who was married to his partner in the church (another man) is now on the church council.

This is the church where the pastor once held up a copy of the Bible and said, "This is not the Boy Scout manual. It is a book of questions, not answers!!"

So the consensus in this church about the Supreme Court decision is "Bloody well about time!!"

Don Firth