The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157552   Message #3719326
Posted By: Bill D
27-Jun-15 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Subject: RE: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Leviticus: from here

"The traditional view is that Leviticus was compiled by Moses, or that the material in it goes back to his time, but internal clues suggest that the book developed much later in Israel's history and was completed either near the end of the Judean monarchy in the late seventh century BCE or in the exilic and post-exilic period of the sixth and fifth centuries BCE. Scholars debate whether it was written primarily for Jewish worship in exile that centered on reading or preaching,[2][3] or was aimed instead at worshipers at temples in Jerusalem and Samaria.[4] Scholars are practically unanimous that the book had a long period of growth, that it includes some material of considerable antiquity, and that it reached its present form in the Persian period (538–332 BCE).[5]"

compare Paul's Epistle to the Romans

So... similar ideas on male homosexuality (little or nothing is said about female practices) are traced thru 6-7 hundred years and written by different 'scholars' with different agendas and very different social settings. The similarity is that both claim to be directly inspired and given to specific individuals by God to instruct people about morality.

It all boils down to claims made by various mortals asserting that they were *chosen* to receive the Word. You may notice that this still happens today as zealots decide that their strong feelings MUST be the correct ones, and then find some way to attribute them to God. It is not always easy to know if these people are seriously convinced, or are just using impossible-to-check assertions to bolster their claims.

Because those who are not homosexual often find it hard to comprehend why anyone would BE homosexual, and are personally put off by the idea, belief about the commands of some Immortal Entity provides an easy way to justify the persecution of those they dislike.
Although it is regularly shown that there are serious contradictions and awkward assertions in religious texts, it is still common to pick & choose which Holy Commands they will follow and which they will ignore.

Slowly, parts of the world are deciding to just let others determine their own path about who they love and allow decisions such as SCOTUS just made to ease the way. Abraham Lincoln was supposed to have said "God must have loved the common people; he made so many of them." No one can document that he ever said that, but the idea is still popular. Perhaps bible believers should replace 'common people' with 'gays & lesbians'......