The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157575   Message #3719745
Posted By: Donuel
29-Jun-15 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Physically best prez , man or woman?
Subject: BS: Physically best prez , man or woman?
Women live longer. Women who are post menopausal for five years can't be accused of hot flashes. Over half of all men over 50 will have fatiguing sleep disorders from getting up multiple times to pee due to ever growing prostates. Frequent urination during the day make men less available for duty than women. Men die earlier according to actuary figures.

Women have more of their brain devoted to speech than men. In risk situations more women process the information as a problem solving mental exercise while men may process the information from their amygdala as an emotional risk / reward exercise.

Women's sleep cycle is more dependable. Women who had children tend to live longer and have stronger immune systems.