The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157533   Message #3719891
Posted By: Greg F.
29-Jun-15 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in the USA
Its pretty much all down to the unholy alliance betweeen the National Rifle Assassination (of wch I was once a member before they went brain-dead about 1978) and the gun manufacturers.

The gun manufacturers will do literally anything to make a profit, have been pouring millions (billions?) into the NRA coffers for decades, and neither outfit cares how many die as a consequence of their BS fear-mongering and hysteria about the jack-booted gov't comin' fer yer gunz & the rest of their shameless disinformation.

And, of course, the idiots who actually BELIEVE the NRA bullshit are as much to blame as anyone.

This from a gun owner, target shooter & hunter of 60 years' standing.