The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157533   Message #3720314
Posted By: Lighter
01-Jul-15 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in the USA
> we, that is us "Americans", hold a particularly dangerous idea sacred, and that idea is that when we are outraged or angered to a certain degree, it's OK, or even admirable to "go Postal."

As you say later, only nuts think that way. Only nuts hold that idea "sacred." Most brawls that result from outrage or anger are brief fistfights - though some of course do involve weapons.

And the violent movies and TV shows are popular worldwide - even in Britain and Japan, where gun violence is rare. Overseas genocides, beginning with the Assyrians, have taken place where there are no violent films to encourage societal violence.

No *single* factor (like violent entertainment, or the availability of guns, or mental illness, or the fact that we are Americans) explains gun violence or would truly eliminate it if only better managed.