The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157533   Message #3720424
Posted By: Rapparee
01-Jul-15 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in the USA
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in the USA
I know, #. I and every responsible gun owner I know is outraged by the actions and ranting of a few.

I think that the US, unfortunately, had an excellent chance for responsible gun laws back in 1959 or so. Back then the NRA was teaching and backing safe and responsible firearms use, certifying young shooters, and was the organization responsible for the shooting sports of the US Olympic team. Somewhere along the line the fanatics took over and here we are.

Following the JFK assassination Congress had to "do something" and they did. Among other things, they stopped the purchase of guns by mail. Then MLK and RFK were assassinated in 1968 and Congress again had to "do something" so more laws were passed.'

I don't know who on this thread was around in '68, but there was a lot of talk of "Revolution" and "bringing the [Vietnam] war back home." Yes, there was violence by the police, the National Guard, and the US Army. There was also violence by the Black Panther Party, the Weathermen, the KKK, and others. Apart from small groups like the SLA, most of this stopped following the shootings at Kent State.

All of this, coupled with the then-raging Cold War, instilled a paranoia in many in the US that, I think, continues to this day. It isn't helped by films like "Red Dawn" which play up the "we folks have to defend the US by ourselves" ideology.

I have spoken with many who fear the US government (I don't think that the military took over Texas a couple of months ago). Some, hardly a majority, truly feel that they will be fighting off tanks with rifles any day now. Usually these people have no idea of what a truly horrible business war is as they have fed each other on "Red Dawn" idea and that the US Constitution is being ignored and has to be "restored."

Personally, I find the rich/poor gap to be more frightening. There are, however, some signs of rationality starting to show up.

Sorry for the long post, and remember that these are my personal musings.