The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157619   Message #3721626
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jul-15 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: We cannot have an opinion
Subject: RE: We cannot have an opinion
"Not making any claims Jim."
You're claiming that there is a sky fairy who made everything (not you personally, but the church is)
As you say - that is your personal belief and you are entitled to it.
You totally ignore the point i made, as is your wont.
If we are going to give the church access to our children to teach such nonsense as fact, we are entitled to an explanation.
If the Church is to play any part in our lives (outside of freely sought spiritual guidance), we are entitled to an explanation.
If the Church is to ave a say in how our country is run (as for instance in The House of Lords) we are entitled to an explanation.
If the church is going to have nay say in sending our children to war, as it has in previous wars (including and especially the W.W.1. bloodbath) we are entitled to an explanation.
If religion is, in any way, to receive state support, we are entitled to an explanation.
Unelected state-supported organisations claiming any of these privileges, based on ancient myths need to (at the very least) give an account of themselves.
That is the pint you appear not to want to respond to.
Jim Carroll