The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29401   Message #372165
Posted By: JedMarum
10-Jan-01 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: Lessons learned on social activism?
Subject: RE: Lessons learned on social activism?
A favorite ancient Greek quote I heard many years ago struck me hard at a key 'teachable moment.' It said "a radical is someone who wants to change the world becasue it is easier then changing himself."

In those days I considered my politics radical - but I knew instantly that this phrase was absolutely true, for me. I could be responsible for no one's behaviour, but my own. I could not make you or anyone else treat people with respect, dignity, justice, generosity .., but I could practice those ideals in my own life. I could not expect justice, fairness, kindness, consideration from the world - but I could demand it of myself - I could insist that those guiding principles were the goals by which I could live my life. I could dedicate my life to reaching as high as possible on the scale of fairness, generosity, concern for others - and when I fell short, remember that the goals were still worth achieving - so pick up the pieces and start again.

I since releaized that these things that we all want for ourselves, our children, our neighbors, our world - so not come to us from the world outside. They are not free and they cannot be legislated. They come from within, and they come because of the way we live live our lives. They come not because of who we are, but because of who we are becoming.