The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157619   Message #3721653
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jul-15 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: We cannot have an opinion
Subject: RE: We cannot have an opinion
"Yes, but just like most of the rest of the Lords they get to their position in society by having some merit within their "constituency""
Surely, whether that "merit" is of use to society in general is the point
I might be the greatest chess player in the world (or even electrician), that in no way qualifies me to vote on whether to, say, reintroduce the death penalty, or limit immigration, or send troops to Iraq.
Trades Unionists are. more often than given a seat as a reward for selling out their members (or as a bribe for them to do so)
Don't get me started on the past record of those who "earn" the right to a seat in the House of Lords      
Just had a quick shufti down the list - obscure, non- elected no-marks or what?
Jim Carroll