The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157552   Message #3722285
Posted By: akenaton
09-Jul-15 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Subject: RE: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
"The idea that you can restrict rights to people purely because they are a "sexual minority"......This is a straw man argument, no one thinks that rights can be restricted purely because homosexuals are a sexual minority.   There are many sexual minorities.

It is the behaviour of any sexual minority which is important.
In this case, rights are not being restricted, but are being made up especially for this particular tiny sexual minority....regardless of the effect of redefinition on society.

To restrict rights, the rights must have been in existence to begin with. Homosexuals have never had the right to marry in any civilisation that I have read I wrong in that?