The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157552   Message #3722793
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Jul-15 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Subject: RE: US Supreme Court sez Yes to Gay Marriage
Rosa Parks spoke truth to power. Those few county clerks hoped they had the power to bluff their way through the same thing happening to them - but when the truth presented itself and they tried repel the customers, they lost. How they deal with that loss is entirely up to each one of them. No one need lose a job, so they weren't discriminated against. They just got busted in their discrimination practices, and all of them knew it was coming. It should be no surprise that the woman in Hood County, Texas, has a husband who is running for an elected office this fall. I'm sure the publicity did him some good with a certain set of voters.