The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157667   Message #3722842
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jul-15 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Etiquette ref. Poor spelling
Subject: RE: BS: Etiquette ref. Poor spelling
I'm sure I a) can and b) must have done so at some point or other.

Unlike names of Sheffield Wednesday managers post war to present, it hasn't stayed in the old head.

Which is odd because a few months ago when learning a new song, I sat and listed all the songs I could perform from memory, both the singing and instrumentation and it was over 200.

Obviously not something I thought important then!

(When I met my father in law for the first time, he asked me over a coffee about my research and I happened to mention that the principles of my work in mechanical vibration hold true all the way back to the principia.

I said "prinSipia" and he used "prinKipia."

Obviously something about studying the classics...)