The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157263   Message #3723676
Posted By: Donuel
14-Jul-15 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mrrzy & the Whole Iran Thing
Subject: RE: BS: Mrrzy & the Whole Iran Thing
Diplomacy with Persia and Persians is a heart warming prospect but battling with Revolutionary State Fundamentalist Islamic Iran that threw off its oppressor and puppet president the Shaw, is a fight that is inherently fraught with disdain and distrust.

The past is full of incidents such as Ronald Reagan ordering the last US battleship to fire in anger by shelling "the colonists" in the middle east. We even bombed a full Mosque, something unheard of in those days, so the CIA might kill a single terrorist. We failed, and we keep on failing to colonize the middle east resources.

Blow back is a vengeful business but it need not be eternal.

Can't we all just get along, after all even our civil war was like the stone age and no one is still upset about that war, no?

During the W years some of the intel on Iran included the prediction of Nostradamus claiming a Persian Prince will attack America with fire.

Rational Diplomacy is better than superstition and endless Colonial wars. It is a small step but better than building a war between Iran and Russia against the USA.

Let Israel be Israel. They should too wise to begin an atomic war.

If diplomacy fails and war ensues, all good people like fathers and mothers and children will have died in vain.

My misgivings is that the US must to some degree trust irrational religious leaders, theirs and ours, and not just statesmen.

The last time we talked to Iran was about the weapons we sold them to fight Iraq. Both of those countries lost a million young men in those US promoted wars and getting our hostages back and hour after Reagan became President.

We don't know if this weapons agreement will work. This is only a chance to stop nuclear war. This deal is a way to stop bomb production but it has its risks. The inspection agreements are forever and have no deadline. They are triple layered 24 hour inspections.

talking is hard. It is especially hard to talk to intelligent neighbors here in DC. There is a third of a million people here who have high security clearance. Even being seen associating with random people or neighbors is a stated risk in their clearance. This is hard for people who might live in Southern California to understand or even imagine. To talk with Iran is even harder. Its like talking to the Romulans.

Please allow talking to be seen as a good thing in your heart and among your friends.
It may not heal the past but it may heal the future.