The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6293   Message #37279
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Sep-98 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Everybody's Lonely (Harry Chapin)
Subject: RE: LYR REQ: All I have is time
It's OK now, Roger. A title or fulltext search of The International Lyrics Server will find you the song, called "Everybody's Lonely" from Harry Chapin's "Heads and Tails" (tales?) album.
But since I can sense you're desperate, click here for a direct link to the song.
Now, Roger, it's important for you to bookmark the The International Lyrics Server (click here) in case you need another pop song fix. We're folkies here, you know, and we're sometimes not as quick as we should be on pop.
-Joe Offer-