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Thread #157801   Message #3728659
Posted By: GUEST,Pete from seven stars link
06-Aug-15 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Subject: RE: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Dave, seems to me from my reading that saying that standard cosmology may be subject to variations of detail, is somewhat an understatement. Apart from the unobservable dark matter, dark energy and Oort Cloud , I think predictions made have often been falsified by new discoveries.   Starlight in a younger universe is of course a favourite objection. However there are various suggested solutions, including ..starlight, time and the new dr john hartnett , complete with mystifying equations at the end !.   As I understand it, you have your own light travel problem, ie the horizon problem. I am not a scientist , but thankfully there are the simpler arguments.....which incidentally seem to have been sidestepped. I know a bit more theology though, so if you care to say why the theology is dodgy....?       Yes I know those things are established , some like plate tectonics by observational science, but evolutionism, whether by gradualism or jerks is only established in the sense of being the ruling paradigm.   THAT , truly is a non starter. 0 by 0 = 0 however you do the sum.