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Thread #157801   Message #3728766
Posted By: GUEST,Time stamp
07-Aug-15 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Subject: RE: BS: One for the astrophysicist
Last night I spent a bit of spare time getting up to speed on this because it interested me and to confirm the sense Dave was making.I was taught Stars appeared first then after a shed load of time galaxies formed and that a collection of Stars was a galaxy.The word galaxy was implied to have a certain definition ie a cluster of Stars. In Henriettas defence I would imagine that's what the majority would assume without specifically researching it.Anyway a post of Dave.O/Dave (can't remember which one) has cleared up the OP's question (for me) so onto the thread drift 8)
            Religion,Spirituality whatever you want to call it needs science to keep it honest and relevant.If Religion is just a set of moral laws to live by then it should be relegated to the status of similar like AA or BoyScouts, current Masonry etc. If it is trying to deliver something else, then this something needs to be properly investigated and put under scrutiny.You see this thing that Religion is supposed to deliver becomes something else once spoken about.Science could one day explain most of what's occurring and give it more relevancy. It's not too much of a leap to see that at their heart Science and Spirituality are just parallel paths (up to a point) and both need to recognise this. Religion should not fear Science, most rational people don't. Science has got a lot wrong and will keep getting things wrong, but at least it looks to recognise its errors and evolves as more is understood and tested. I personally hope these great Religions get relevant as my worry is they will vanish and for me that would be a loss. Unfortunately in their current form most aren't much use and a mass of contradictions especially when voiced by some of their practitioners.
             Science needs Spirituality. Many reputable Scientists have now come to the conclusion that empirical evidence from the 5 senses is limited and another perspective is needed for us to progress.I'm not going to list them because it's a mighty list,but most of our " geniuses " in science have experienced different states of awareness that brought the disciplines of science on in leaps down through the ages. Both Science and spirituality are the search for truth. One is the search for truth in the physical world, the other the search for the truth of the nature of consciousness.There should be no conflict and one day in our future when science has mapped consciousness to the extent it has space,time and matter we will be in better shape, and the two approaches will be reconciled some.
             I can never get interested in the young Earth debate as it's pointless imo, but the how can something come from nothing question has always fascinated me.I currently think there has never has been "nothing" there has always been something .. but what is nothing.These folks here in this link explore nothing.I watched this a while back and just going to watch it again.