The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157962   Message #3732129
Posted By: Mrrzy
21-Aug-15 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Danger Food
Subject: BS: Danger Food
OK, fugu, but not what I mean. Food that's too hot (how did the hipsters burn their mouths? Eating their pizza *before* it was cool), yeah, still not what I meant.

I mean food like the caramel apples the (single) Chinese restaurant in Abidjan used to serve... a pile of apple chunks heated to some insane temperature covered with boiling sugar, served with a bowl of ice water. You grabbed a chunk of apple with your chopsticks and when you pulled it out of the pile, the sugar stretched, and when you dunked it in the ice water it hardened - then when you bit into it, you not only burned your mouth on the still-incredibly-hot apple, you could also spear holes through the top and back of your mouth seemingly straight into your brain with the hardened sugar spikes. Required serious attention, we always went home damaged, you can't find it nowadays, it's served so cool the ice water just makes the whole thing soggy, and the caramel is nowhere near as rich.

This thread inspired by the people who don't like to nuke their corn in the husk for fear of unwrapping a hot commodity.