The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43912   Message #3734709
Posted By: Jack Campin
01-Sep-15 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: Shinbone Alley: Where is it?
Subject: RE: Shinbone Alley: Where is it?
Ignoring the spam that popped this back up - about 30 years ago the landlady of the house I was staying in at the time was a Don Marquis fan. She didn't just read the "archy and mehitabel" pieces, she could sing them. The tunes were in the style of the period (like what Janet Klein does) but I couldn't specifically identify them, not being very familiar with that kind of music. But they were absolutely convincing - she had clearly got them exactly right.

So, I'd guess there are verbal pointers in the text to songs that Marquis was parodying or alluding to. Has anybody found out what they all were?