The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499   Message #373475
Posted By: Rick Fielding
12-Jan-01 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
The key phrase to me, is: "folks willing to laugh at themselves". These days fewer and fewer people seem to be able to laugh period. They have their reasons, so I guess your choice is to say "sorry 'bout that", and carry on, or make an issue out of it, and watch the dynamics of your group change forever.

Troll. I was watching something on the boob tube a few years ago about "humour", and Red Skelton's name came up as a comic who could be funny without being offensive. Immediately it was pointed out by one of the participants that Red's "clown, hobo and hillbilly" characters were VERY offensive to homeless and rural people! 'Course the rest of the program was spent debating that statement. I guess EVERYTHING is offensive if the wrong person hears it.
