The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499 Message #373487
Posted By: GUEST,Ickle Dorritt
12-Jan-01 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
taken in isolation I am sure your jokes were neither insensitive or inflammatory or intended to cause distress. But if the black, jewish, catholic, asian fat bald guy is continually confronted by these remarks and expected to laugh at themselves every single day, then I guess you can't blame them for losing their sense of humour -and surely that's the problem if your expected to 'take the joke, or the remark, time after time or day after day for what you are or what you look like it becomes at the best tiresome at the very worst degrading. The fact is that it isn't your joke that has caused offence, its the culmination of a lifetime of jokes -and that ain't funny