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Thread #158126   Message #3736942
Posted By: JeffB
12-Sep-15 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Corbyn Landslide
Subject: RE: BS: Corbyn Landslide
Once the euphoria has died down we should bear in mind that JC (I'm sure Private Eye will have immense fun with those initials, Corbyn's beard and messianic policies) will not be fighting a general election until 2020. Until then Cameron will enjoy an absolute majority, which (like it or not) is a clear mandate the British electorate gave him to tighten the screws still further. We could have voted for less austerity, a more equitable taxation system, and more humane social policies, but we chose not to. It's hard to imagine all those who voted Conservative doing an about-turn very readily, especially with the vicious invective, prophecies of economic Armeggedon, and daily misrepresentations which the Daily Wail and friends will be flinging at Corbyn and his colleagues in the next five years. People really do believe that stuff.

The current issue of PE has an amusing (or infuriating) pairing of JC quotes compared with Tory newspaper headlines "reporting" what they want people to believe he said. This kind of misrepresentation must have already negatively affected tens of thousands of voters. It will now worsen. The papers themselves will of course never publish corrections.

It will be interesting to see who JC will choose for his shadow cabinet. Nearly every experience New Labour politician has disqualified his/herself by their extreme criticism of his policies, except for one I heard on the news today saying she "would work with anyone". Anyone who looked like winning, presumably.