The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #373738
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
12-Jan-01 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
"If you can't tell a liberal from a communist"

A communist is a socialist with a gun.

A socialist is a liberal that knows what he's doing.

A liberal is a useful dupe of the communist.

"I would suggest - as you say you don't know where to start, start by going to school, work real hard, get into grad school"

There it goes again, another personal attack, can't you guys get over this childlike crap?????

"and you may in fact be able to tell the difference between a communist and a liberal"

I certainly can and it seems I've encountered all types here.

Although I don't see any reason for distinguishing between the three groups of anti-capitalists, I actually respect the socialists more than the American lie-berals.

At least the socialists are willing to share in business ownership and losses, where the liberals simply want to skim off the top until they destroy the incentive to produce, and then confiscate the private property, sorta mafia-like.

"however, you may also become a democrat"

I don't think so!!!

"as the majority of Americans with graduate degrees are democrats"

Well since the university system is and has been a bastion of liberal/marxist/socialist elitists, that would hardly surprise me.

Those who cannot do, teach and there is no other place for these anti-business pointy headed intellectuals to exist, especially in the dreaded private sector (except of course as "journalists")

"now in the anti intelectual(sp) environment of the republican party, I realise this does not sound good"

You damn right it doesn't! We're not anti-intellectual, we're anti-anti-American.

Unless you succeed in killing the Constitution this is NOT A SOCIALIST COUNTRY!

By the way, I may not be a bleeping intellectual but at least I CAN SPELL IT.

Calling the GOP anti-intellectual is yet another bit of phoney demonization which reflects the slanderous and condecending tone of your opening statements.

"I remember a line from a film with John Malkavich, where the German fellow says to him, "this child looks to bright, we don't want bright children, we Germans are plodders..."

That's "too bright" You're implying he looks towards illumination.

Yes, the Germans are sooo stupid, except of course for their precision engineering, work ethic and of course the great Classical composers.

Of course there's that little socialist thing .

"I should go and grab a bite, I'm a wee bit hungrey(sp), I havent(sp) had breakfast yet and its(sp) 11 pm, and I get a bit short tempered when I'm peckish(?)..."

You sound a "wee bit" UK.

See ya