The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499 Message #373843
Posted By: Haruo
13-Jan-01 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
When I was a kid (and yes, I know there are folks of all ages who think "kid" is insulting) racial slurs in general were taboo; we even got a babysitter we didn't like fired by telling our parents she had said "Last one in bed is a nigger baby!" "To jew somebody out of something" would have been a definite no-no. However ... "To gyp somebody" was perfectly normal. I was an adult before I realized that that was a racist slur against gypsies. Or Romanies, or Roum, or whatever they choose to be called this time. And my dad never said a mean word about Native Americans, but when he told us scary bedtime stories about "Volluffs and Henyuns" we knew perfectly well that "Henyun" was storytalk for "Indian". Etc.