The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158175   Message #3738823
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-Sep-15 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: BBC bias
Subject: RE: BS: BBC bias
You were given the post-1979 unemployment record by Jim last week. The 1979 low was not achieved again until years into new Labour. It is much higher than that today, and a damn sight higher still when you take into account all the cheat statistics that "forget about" bogus apprenticeships, bogus self-employed numbers and almost a million on zero-hours contracts. My comment on housing was nothing to do with house building. I was referring to council house selloffs. The refugee crisis (not just a migrant crisis, your words) is squarely the upshot of decades of terrible foreign policy balls-ups over decades by the west in the Middle East in which we have been thoroughly complicit. The government is only sending money to try to stop them coming here, and not only is it completely inadequate, it is also coming off our foreign aid budget. And I do not appreciate very much your sneaky attempt to shift the ground on two out of three of the points I made, thank you. You still haven't learned the lessons of your Wheatcroft misrepresentations, have you?