The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29511   Message #373886
Posted By: kendall
13-Jan-01 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round THREE!!!
Not only do I remember the "great" depression, when the republicans sat on their fat asses and did nothing...I'm also a history major. In college, I was amazed at the real history that was not even touched upon in grammar school. Wanna know how it really was? check out people like Eugene Debbs and Joe Hill. If you are under 40 years old, you have never had it so good, and, unless you are a republican fat cat, you can thank the unions for the 40 hour week, minimum wage, social security, medicare, medicade and an equal chance at the American dream.

I still say the motto of the republican party should be:PULL UP THE LADDER I'M ABOARD.