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Thread #158175   Message #3738873
Posted By: Mr Red
21-Sep-15 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: BBC bias
Subject: RE: BS: BBC bias
Cammeroon has been around long enough to be assumed as Tory. Corebin hasn't been in such a public eye for long enough. The BBC are, if anything acknowledging that 60% of the electorate are so dis-interested in which politician belongs to which label that they don't even vote.

The BBC are always criticised for their biases. The lefties find some cockamamie reason that can be explained in another way.

The Tories are for ever citing left bias from all those arty-farty lefty lovies.

Lesser parties are always claiming unfair exposure, ie not getting enough.

The BBC for all their faults are damned if they don't and damned if they do. They plough a pretty straight furrow despite the crosswinds.

Ask the plebs in any totalitarian regime - they like the World Service for its better delivery of truths.

What would you prefer? Rupert Merde-Hoc deciding what you should think?