The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158182   Message #3738919
Posted By: gnu
21-Sep-15 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bugs!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bugs!!!!
"The LOL came immediately after the comment about the kids stomping the butterflies."

You gotta be shittin me??? You are analyzing syntax and progression and didn't even take into account punctuation? Yeah, Spaw would tell you to fuck off you broke dick fuck!!! As for "... can't say I think him [Spaw] the most effective or convincing deceased authority to whom to look for support for somewhat questionable amusement..."? Spaw would shit on you too. Yer a good guy and a very intelligent guy but you crossed a line. It bodes poorly to speak ill of those passed... especially a man who you could never measure up to.

If, in fact, their child didn't know that butterflies were not bugs by the age of three, then the probability is that they hadn't had the chance to teach the child because so many ignorant assholes spray toxic shit on their manicured properties that there were no flutterbies to teach the child about. How dare anyone assume any different. I decided not to mow my lawn again tonight as there are bumblybees all over the pretty yellow flowers that my neighbour calls weeds.

Same shit, different day at Mudcat. Too many fuckin bad weeds posting toxic shit. It's just a story about a three year old kid and horrified parents scrambling to save butterflies. No more.

Any more crap is just trolling. Have fun with that.