The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499   Message #373897
Posted By: John P
13-Jan-01 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
For me, there are two types of jokes that involve making assumptions about a nationality or a gender or a religion or whatever. Some of them are actual funny jokes, with a witty play on words, or a real humorous situation. And some are just an excuse to say something nasty, or outrageous, or to refer to sex in polite company. Obviously, everyone has a different idea about what is funny, but I would submit that jokes that have nothing funny about them except the insult itself should be avoided.

I have a friend who tells ethnic jokes. When it is time to say "Irishman" or "Indian" or "Priest and Rabbi" or whatever, he just says, "ethnic minority of your choice" and goes on with the joke. I use this as a test of whether or not a joke is really funny -- does it remain funny if you change or leave out the object of the stereotype? Is there anything funny other than a chance to mention the stereotype?
