The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158175   Message #3739178
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Sep-15 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: BBC bias
Subject: RE: BS: BBC bias
"severe lack of housing being an argument against inviting even more people to make the plight and suffering of those desperate for a home even worse."
Some time ago a senior civil servant produced a report on immigrants which pointed out that there was plenty of room for more in Britain and that immigration has always been a great advantage to the country - the only party `to disagree with him publicly was the neo-fascist Nigel Farrago.
The report said that the only area of Britain that was overcrowded was the Greater London area and Home Counties - it also said that a problem with immigration was caused by ruthless employers using the newcomers to drive down wages.
In practical terms there is no reason those fleeing war zones should be allowed into Britain - The West, by pandering to feudal dictators, the West, Britain included, has played a major part in the crisis in the Middle East and the massive refugee crisis - and it continues to support those despots.
It also has a moral obligation to take in refugees - turning them away is equivalent to turning away Holocaust survivors after WW2..
Just as I have never been able to get my head around someone, claiming to be socialist, sneering when the people from feudalist countries try to remove their dictators, I find it equally impossible to understand "Christians" suggesting there is "no room at the inn" - not as bad Christian analogy.
Maybe we need a few more dead children pulled out of the sea to bring home the consequences of our governments' actions and inactions!!
Jim Carroll