The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142631   Message #3739516
Posted By: VirginiaTam
24-Sep-15 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Subject: RE: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Egods... Been through it and more yet to come. Advice please. My 88 year old Mamma 9in Virginia) had a stroke on Tuesday, after being held against her will in her garage for hours by her drug addicted granddaughter and granddaughter's extremely abusive boyfriend on Sunday.

The power, phone, cable, internet had all been cut off due to non payment of bills. The granddaughter has stolen thousands of dollars from Mom, witheld her medications. My drug addicted sister (who is thee mother of the granddaughter) also witholding Mom's meds and trading them for other drugs. Her boyfriend illegally turned the power back on in house.

My son visited Mom on Monday with the Power of Attorney papers she begged him to arrange a month ago. She signed them, he bought her groceries, paid some of her phone bill and had to go back home to work which is over an hour away. My younger brother in Indiana has been racing to remodel his ground floor to accommodate Mom so we could close up her house and move her to a safe place. That is now on hold due to her stroke. Actually maybe totally irrelevant until we know the extent of her condition.

Fast forward to now, Mom has partial paralysis on right side, though may not be affecting the leg. Cannot speak or swallow. She is covered in what the hosptial believes are bedbug bites and had serious yeast infection. She had elevated opiates in her bloods. None of her pain med prescription is opiate based as far as I know, so either the granddaughter or my sister supplied something she should not have had. My son has PoA over her house, car and bank accounts, is working to lock up house, shut off utilities, contact loan holders on car, house and horrendous high interest payday loan the granddaughter forced her to take out. Adult protective services have been notified, but while she is in hospital care we doubt we will get much support or advice from them. Eviction is being served on granddaghter and her boyfriend. Demand for Mom's car keys, title and registration has been issued to the granddaughter.

I already have tickets to fly home on 7 October so am stuck in England until then. I have no job now so need to save as much as possible to help with this mess. Here is my question.

Does anyone know how we can get her free of that high interest loan which has been cleaning out her bank account with an autodebit and other bills. The house is in such bad repair it iw worth aapx $10,000 less than her current mortgage. We hope the bank will just take it and let the mortgage go. We know we will need all of her pension to get her appropriate medical care. We just don't even know how to start with the finance stuff.