The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158231   Message #3740163
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
27-Sep-15 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: Need someone to sell Folk LP's/Cd's Ebay
Subject: RE: Need someone to sell Folk LP's/Cd'sEbay
Thanks everyone for your response.

To Maeve: I want to stay away from Craigslist. In my area there have been too many crimes committed when people meet the people they are selling stuff to. Since I don't have a car, I cannot lug a lot of LP's & CD's on the bus to meet someone in a public place and I don't want them coming to where I live.

I probably could take the CDs to a public place (maybe a café) but not the LP's as they are too heavy unless you are only taking a few.

Regarding Craigslist, I'm referring to people who have actually been accosted (spelling?) and done harm to the person at their home. Paranoid? Maybe, but the authorities (from article I read in the paper) say to try and avoid having people show up at your house that you do not know, from Craigslist.

I am sure most Craigslist sales go forward without any problem but in my area there have been a lot of problems from Craigslist transactions.

For some reason Craigslist seems to be the most problematic for crimes towards people selling things. Not sure why that is.

I do not really know my neighbors enough to ask them to come over and most people around here keep to themselves, are working or just gone a lot.
Thank you just the same Maeve.

To Guest Acme:

You mentioned about an experienced seller which would probably be the best route but I was going to take into account the shipping costs which the buyer pays. If it is an experienced seller I would think he /she could take photos pretty quickly of a CD cover.
Yes, they are doing the work to do this, ship items but they would not have made any money if they did not have the item (CD or LP) that I had provided in the first place. As I mentioned some of the CDs/LPs are obscure and not mainstream folk. In other words they are not Joan Baez, Dylan, Peter, Paul & Mary, etc. but some titles (especially the LPs) are more on the obscure/rarer side.

I guess you might be right that "It won't be easy" but also wanted to ask you, how am I supposed to lug LPs on buses and why would I take them to a book store???
They are not books. The book store around here (and there are very few) DO NOT SELL CDS OR LPS. They sell BOOKS only.

If you reread my post, I indicated that I do not have a car. It is a 20 minute walk to the closest bus stop and there would be more then one bus to get to a record store as I would have to transfer to another bus route. Three buses one way and waiting time between each bus to even get to a record store. It would take several hours just to get there with all the bus transfers!

When I get groceries I take the bus there and take a taxi home one way but the grocery store is not far. Just one bus to get there.

There are no record shops nearby or book stores nearby at all.

I do not have anyone to drive me around so I take buses.
None of my friends live near me and they do not drive freeways anymore.   

I will probably have to give up as it sounds all too complicated to sell on EBay unless you have someone who "lives near you" and willing to help you out. (as Joe offer suggested) Sadly, I do not have anyone I know personally who can help.   

I will probably have to throw the CD's & LPs in a bag where they come out and pick up your items such as Goodwill Thrift stores. I won't be doing this right away so maybe I will hear from someone in my area on this post who can help.

Thanks for all your suggestions though. I have a very limited income and was just hoping to make a little money.......and also know that there must be some people looking for more obscure folk LPs out there. Oh well.. it was just a thought.

Thank you.