The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499   Message #374034
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
13-Jan-01 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
"the black, jewish, catholic, asian fat bald guy" - there probably actually are a few people who'd fall into that category.

The fact is, almost all jokes are 'about' or 'at the expense of' some identifiable person or group.

Here's one that isn't - Two lions are walking along a main street in the middle of a big city. And one lion turns to the other and says "It's quiet here isn''t it!"

I don't tell that to make any point, but it's been cracking me up since I came across it. Many people won't even see it as funny. That's how humour works. Or humor, for that matter.

And Liland - maybe you're being wryly humorous, or maybe you really aren't aware that remarks about Campbells, in that context, aren't about theological differences, they are about antagonisms between Scottish clans. And there's no reason a Campbell can't be a Catholic. Or even a black, Jewish, Catholic, Asian fat bald guy...(to pick up on what Ickle Dorritt posted)