The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157582   Message #3740472
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
28-Sep-15 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: 'Clutter's Last Stand' +fitness July thru Sep 2015
Subject: RE: 'Clutter's Last Stand' +fitness July thru Sep 2015

Susan's accomplishments come close to exhausting!. Kudoes! for incredible organization!

We went off to an auction about 20 minutes out of city early Saturday am. It turned out to be rather a marathon - of buying for R who admits to his disease and for me as I sat in car and read most of day, walked around the village where there is next to nothing to see... Then we drove down to the concert near the Mill, arriving almost an hour late but only missing the first group. It was so loud we went upstairs - a reno'd church, upstairs was once the choir loft but now was mostly enclosed with windows. It sounded much better up there.

Then to mill to sleep and a late BF and then a visit to Geri and lunch together at the resto. Big talk about the new cafe/music venue friends are opening end of October. It will replace and improve on the one which closed in July. Back at the mill, a very sick R slept all afternoon while I read. Then he read and I went to bed about 7!

This am, I packed the car with stuff for Beaver while R, feeling much better, read. Our tenant/window manufacturer/extremely competent friend came along and helped me load , adjusting the weight distribution of the slate tiles I am taking for the entry. R thinks they are a bad idea but Fritz told me he has them in his home and they are beautiful; finish them with boiled linseed oil, or tung oil, wipe off the excess and they will be fine!!! YAY, Fritz!

Then he talked with R about the STUFF all over the Mill: Could he sort it out and get rid of some! "You're a hoarder." he said mildly. We had to agree. We went and looked things over and agreed that he could cluster some stuff on pallets and put them out of the way. R and I had already agreed on disposing of a couple dead cabinets. There is a major job of clearing a huge section so R can move a huge machine to a place where he can photo it - to, hopefully, sell it. It takes up almost a thousand sf so getting rid of it would be fab! A MAJOR de-clutter! It takes two fork lifts working together to move each piece!

Wandering around down there, I found a microwave sitting around doing nothing! My project for this aft was removing the old one, cleaning the area - and cleaning and cleaning! So now we have a "new" microwave. Nice and clean!

and dealing with over 150 emails as we did not take the computer - I thought we would be back! That done and response to the propane guy - very expensive! but....

Also stopped for groceries after dropping R at office, after lunch at Timmy's.